Friday, April 3, 2015

Today is a New Day

I woke up this morning to the birds singing outside and my first thought was "Thank You Lord for the beautiful wake up song". My second thought was "Thank You Lord for a new day".

I am so thankful for each and every new day the Lord provides. Not just because His days are so beautiful and full of wonder (because we just never know what any day is going to hold for us). But, thankful because it is another chance to get it right. It's another chance to do the right thing....and perhaps right some wrongs. It's another chance to show my love to those around me. It's another chance to ask for forgiveness - and to offer it to others. It's another chance to do something unexpected for someone....a random act of kindness. It's another chance to allow the world around us to see Jesus in us.....and possibly another chance to allow someone who's never met Him to finally see His love through us.

I think I could go on and on with my list of why I am so thankful for each new day. But I'd rather hear what makes each new day special for YOU!!! Please feel free to comment here, or on my FB or even my Twitter with what makes you thankful for each new day.

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