We go through life sometimes never knowing if we've made the right decision, said the right thing, done the right thing, etc. But sometimes in life we get so many confirmations that we have, in fact, made the right decision and spoken just the right things.
I've many such moments over the last several weeks since publishing Just Be! When you step out in faith and in obedience and share your personal testimony with literally the world the enemy is going to try his hand at weakening your resolve. He's going to shout out at you that you're setting yourself up for failure or you're making yourself too vulnerable.
But then God steps in and shows you in a way that only He can that you are good to be obedient. You are on the right track. And no matter what the enemy would have you think, being obedient may sting a little at times, but it is the right thing to do. Ever since publishing this book I've been to women's conference, church, and just out and about and have heard the same message over and over and over that I've put forth in Just Be! That message is to just be who God created you to be. Be yourself. This was confirmation for me that I made the right decision in being obedient to God's request of me.
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